Updated on Sep 22, 2023


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User profile

Your user profile on the Movies platform allows you to manage your account information and track your activity. This document provides an overview of the features available in your user profile.

Accessing Your User Profile

To access your user profile, follow these steps:

  1. Sign In: Log in to the Movies platform using your registered email address and password.

  2. Navigate to Your Profile: After signing in, click on your profile picture or username in the top-right corner of the platform. This will take you to your user profile page.

Profile Features

1. Account Information

  • Profile Picture: You can upload or change your profile picture.

  • Username: View and update your username.

  • Email Address: Your registered email address (editable in some cases).

2. Activity History

  • Recent Activity: View a log of your recent activity on the platform, including movies you've liked, reviews you've written, and more.

3. Preferences

  • Notifications: Manage your notification preferences, such as email notifications for updates and recommendations.

4. Security

  • Change Password: Update your account password for security.

5. API Key

  • API Key: Retrieve your API key for authenticating with the Monolito Movies API (as explained in the Authentication document).

Update Your Profile

To update your user profile information, navigate to the respective section (e.g., Account Information, Security) and follow the provided instructions for making changes.

API Key Access

After accessing your user profile, you can find and retrieve your API key, which is required for making authenticated requests to the Movies API.